AP Zero Search Volume Keyword Strategy: 

Easiest Way to Get Sh!t Tons of Visitors to Your Blog  

  • Are you struggling to find keywords that your blog can actually rank #1 for in days or weeks?
  • Is your blog suffering from no traffic or low traffic?
  • Ever wonder what the path to least resistance is for traffic?
  • Want traffic to flow to your blog with the least amount of complication?

If you want visitors from Google or other search engines, then selecting the right keywords can do that for you. But there's a lot that goes into picking the "right" keywords and a lot of misconceptions to face head on.


What I am sharing in this blueprint is based off of two years of testing; a lot of these keywords landed in top 3 of Google time and time again and brought valuable visitors from Google interested in reading blog content I was sharing, subscribing to the newsletters, and making purchases.

Here is some proof of the type of keywords I've targeted on my new and established blogs (this guide will show you a lot more proof):


Getting visitors from Google can take a while but let me tell you: these keywords are super easy to rank for, were the fastest to rank in top positions in Google, and brought in more traffic than I thought possible:


Don't believe me?  Check out how I did it for my blogs time and time again, all detailed in the strategy.  

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